government plan
A brief description that presents the essence and objectives of the plan, designed to capture immediate interest and provide a clear vision of the plan's intentions.
Peace as an essential value allows the development of fairer and more harmonious societies; it is about presenting a new social contract to Venezuelans and the international community with the following principles and maxims:
Respect for life, differences, conditions, and the ways of thinking of others.
Tolerance towards situations and opinions that we do not share or that displease us.
Justice that guarantees the fulfillment of human rights and the reparation of victims.
Equity that promotes access to opportunities and resources for all, allowing the value of equality to be understood as opportunities for all people, without distinctions of gender, race, religion, age, etc.
Non-violence as an ethical principle and method of action to peacefully resolve conflicts. Concertation as a tool for communication, understanding, and cooperation.
Solidarity, empathy, compassion, and charity as attitudes that bring us closer to the suffering and needs of others and drive us to help them.
Specific Objectives