government plan



A brief description that presents the essence and objectives of the plan, designed to capture immediate interest and provide a clear vision of the plan's intentions.

Vision of the plan

Vision of the plan

Peace as a Political Strategy for Transition

Peace as a Political Strategy for Transition

Peace as an essential value allows the development of fairer and more harmonious societies; it is about presenting a new social contract to Venezuelans and the international community with the following principles and maxims:

  • Respect for life, differences, conditions, and the ways of thinking of others.

  • Tolerance towards situations and opinions that we do not share or that displease us.

  • Justice that guarantees the fulfillment of human rights and the reparation of victims.

  • Equity that promotes access to opportunities and resources for all, allowing the value of equality to be understood as opportunities for all people, without distinctions of gender, race, religion, age, etc.

  • Non-violence as an ethical principle and method of action to peacefully resolve conflicts. Concertation as a tool for communication, understanding, and cooperation.

  • Solidarity, empathy, compassion, and charity as attitudes that bring us closer to the suffering and needs of others and drive us to help them.

General Objectives

General Objectives


Recognize victims of past abuse as rights holders; increase trust among individuals in society and trust of individuals in state institutions.

Recognize victims of past abuse as rights holders; increase trust among individuals in society and trust of individuals in state institutions.


Recognize victims of past abuses as rights holders; build trust among individuals in society and trust of individuals in state institutions.


Strengthen respect for human rights and promote the Rule of Law, in the pursuit of national reconciliation and the prevention of new violations.

Specific Objectives


The search for truth, establishing the appropriate mechanisms for serious investigations of violations.

The search for truth, establishing the appropriate mechanisms for serious investigations of violations.


To do justice, through an exceptional jurisdiction that solely judges serious cases of human rights violations and alleged crimes against humanity, and appropriate sanctions are imposed on the responsible parties for the violations.

To do justice, through an exceptional jurisdiction that solely judges serious cases of human rights violations and alleged crimes against humanity, and appropriate sanctions are imposed on the responsible parties for the violations.


Ensure the reparation of the victims.

Ensure the reparation of the victims.


Take reasonable measures to prevent human rights violations, along with guarantees of non-recurrence.

Take reasonable measures to prevent human rights violations, along with guarantees of non-recurrence.

Main lines of the plan

Main lines of the plan

Establish a Truth and Comprehensive Reparation Commission

Establish a Truth and Comprehensive Reparation Commission

Whose purpose will be to investigate and disclose the acts of violence that have occurred in the country. This Commission will be composed of competent, honest, independent, and of the highest moral qualities individuals, who represent the plurality of the country, who act with autonomy and independence, and with access to all public and private sources, in order to make recommendations on comprehensive reparations to the victims and society.

Whose purpose will be to investigate and disclose the acts of violence that have occurred in the country. This Commission will be composed of competent, honest, independent, and of the highest moral qualities individuals, who represent the plurality of the country, who act with autonomy and independence, and with access to all public and private sources, in order to make recommendations on comprehensive reparations to the victims and society.

Special Jurisdiction for Peace and National Reconciliation Bill Proposal

Special Jurisdiction for Peace and National Reconciliation Bill Proposal

Whose purpose shall be to investigate and disclose the acts of violence that have occurred in the country. This Commission will be composed of suitable, honest, independent individuals with the highest moral qualities, who represent the country’s diversity, act with autonomy and independence, and have access to all public and private sources in order to make recommendations on comprehensive reparations for the victims and society.

Whose purpose shall be to investigate and disclose the acts of violence that have occurred in the country. This Commission will be composed of suitable, honest, independent individuals with the highest moral qualities, who represent the country’s diversity, act with autonomy and independence, and have access to all public and private sources in order to make recommendations on comprehensive reparations for the victims and society.

Draft Law on Special Jurisdiction for Peace and National Reconciliation

Draft Law on Special Jurisdiction for Peace and National Reconciliation

Whose purpose will be to investigate and publicize the acts of violence that have occurred in the country. This Commission will be composed of competent, honest, independent individuals, and of the highest moral qualities, who represent the diversity of the country, act with autonomy and independence and have access to all public and private sources, in order to make recommendations on comprehensive reparations to the victims and society.

Whose purpose will be to investigate and publicize the acts of violence that have occurred in the country. This Commission will be composed of competent, honest, independent individuals, and of the highest moral qualities, who represent the diversity of the country, act with autonomy and independence and have access to all public and private sources, in order to make recommendations on comprehensive reparations to the victims and society.

Promote a Political Amnesty

Promote a Political Amnesty

Whose purpose will be to investigate and make known the acts of violence that have occurred in the country. This Commission will be made up of suitable, upright, independent individuals, and of the highest moral qualities, who illustrate the country's plurality, who act with autonomy and independence, and with access to all public and private sources, to make recommendations on comprehensive reparations for victims and society.

Whose purpose will be to investigate and make known the acts of violence that have occurred in the country. This Commission will be made up of suitable, upright, independent individuals, and of the highest moral qualities, who illustrate the country's plurality, who act with autonomy and independence, and with access to all public and private sources, to make recommendations on comprehensive reparations for victims and society.

Activate the different forms of Extinction of criminal liability

Activate the different forms of Extinction of criminal liability

such as the dismissal of cases, presidential pardons, judicial reparation agreements, or through the Office of the Attorney General, provided that compensation to the victims and society is guaranteed.

such as the dismissal of cases, presidential pardons, judicial reparation agreements or through the Attorney General's Office, provided that compensation to the victims and society is guaranteed.





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All rights reserved. © 2024 Presidential Campaign of Benjamin Rausseo.

United for a prosperous and democratic future. #JoinTheChangeThatUnites with Benjamin Rausseo